I Lost Her

Dedicated to Tammy

Family Photos

Tammy's father and mother.

I took this photo when we went on our first date.  I took my 'bride to be' to Red Rock Canyon near Las Vegas, NV.

Our wedding day. We were married in Las Vegas, NV, on June 1, 1981.

One of my Ed&Tammy.jpg (62866 bytes) favorites!
Just a few months after we were married. This is a 'K-Mart Photo'.

Just having a laugh together!

These photos where taken by a photo studio. Tammy had them taken for me as an Anniversary Gift in 1994.
(We were then married 13 years at the time.)

Here is Tammy entering our house in summer, 1998.

The 4 of us together.

Me, Eddie, Debra, and Tammy just before a show in Laughlin, NV.

We are enjoying a day on the front porch.

Getting her nails done with help from my sister.

Our Children. Eddie and Debra.
eddie1.JPG (14874 bytes) Debra.jpg (13180 bytes)

This was Joey.jpg (13621 bytes) Joey.

We can't forget about our 11 year old dog, Tea, sitting in his favorite chair.